Christmas Countdown & Cash Giveaway

Cash Give Away Reward for Our Customers

Since the 15th of November we have been tracking invoices of every customer in the store or online. Anyone who has spent $30 or more has had their invoice number placed in a draw for cash prizes totalling $1000. The top prize will be 10 new $50 bills, to help make one of our customer’s Christmas a bit brighter. There is a second prize of $200 and 3 more prizes of $100 each. We have had a moderately good year and wish to contribute something back to those who helped make our year a success, our customers. * Terms and conditions do apply

Countdown to Christmas

Every day since the 1st of December we have been posting special offers FaceBook that we feel will be of genuine interest and savings for our customers. We have been offering up to 60% off on new stock for current model iPhones and computers. To insure everyone has an opportunity to benefit from these offers, We will also be posting them on a just created special offers page.

Some of the offers are for one day only, while others remain until stock is sold. Notes with each offer indicate the time frame.

The Art of Recycling

Macs4U has accumulated a large quantity of unsold iPod, iPad and iPhone cases that look great but have no phones to clothe. We wanted to put them to artistic use and have some fun doing so, instead of making yet more landfill. We will be giving away 25 sets of approximately 100 free cases to 25 country or metropolitan schools to wishing to enter our recycling competition below. 

The “Art of Recycling” team competition will start on the 4th of May 2018 and finish on the 25th of June 2018, using beautiful but vintage iPhone cases as pixels working together to create a larger image.


  • School Classes for students 12 years & under
  • School Classes for students 13 to 17 years old 




Each category can win a new 6th Generation iPad capable of using the Apple Pencil, four family pizza’s from Talya’s Gourmet Pizzas and a sweet from San Churro’s to share amongst the class.